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This will need to be added to your cart if you are sending in a fully assembled firearm. We do not charge this bench fee on Glocks, EVERY other firearm we do.
We prefer to receive firearms fully assembled so that we can ensure fit and function of the reassembled item before returning it to you. If you choose to send in parts or if you do the disassembly and reassembly yourself we cannot guarantee proper fitment and we cannot be responsible for any damage that may occur to the cerakote while you are reassembling it. This bench fee is well worth it! If a punch slips or anything else happens and we damage the cerakote while reassembling then we are responsible and we redo the cerakote, if you choose to do it you may end up paying twice for cerakote or having to deal with a scratched product.
We charge 2 bench fees on the following firearms due to their complicated nature:
Chiappa Rhino
KelTec KSG (and variants)
Ruger RPR
If you have any questions the best way to get a hold of us is by using the chat tab in the bottom corner, that goes to a real person!